Look 10 Years Younger The Natural Way

Easy ways to look 10 years younger the natural wayAs we get older we inevitably lose the youthful glow that had been carelessly taken for granted for so very long.

On top of this, there are many outside influences conspiring to rob us of our youthful looking skin including the sun and wind, the foods we eat, or the lack of hydration that skin desperately needs to remain soft and glowing.

You don’t have to go under the knife or spend a fortune on botox treatments in order to look ten years younger. Instead, make a few simple lifestyle changes and start treating yourself with a little TLC and you will be amazed at the improvements. In the battle against the ravages of time, things such as sleep, diet and exercise can play a huge role in our appearance and health.

Granted, high quality skin care products certainly can help us keep our skin looking good as we age, however, without a proper skin care regimen that incorporates healthy lifestyle strategies, all the skin care products in the world will not help and we will lose the battle to keep our youthful appearance.

Perchance to dream

Let’s begin by looking at your daily routine since this is where much of the damage is caused to your skin – often without your knowledge. Replacing bad habits with good ones is relatively easy to do, and in combination with using the right skin care products can work wonders to hold back the hands of time.

First of all you should aim to get eight hours of sleep since this is when your body repairs itself and puts back what the day has taken out. Cells go through a repair process and your body releases the hormone melatonin which has a positive effect on the skin. The result is radiant and youthful looking skin, fewer lines and less puffiness around the eyes. Getting a good night’s sleep is a sure-fire way to not only look younger, but to feel great as well. So do yourself a favour and get your zzz’s.

Hydrate and detox

Be sure to eat a balanced healthy diet, including lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Not only will this regimen help you to maintain a healthy weight, the vitamins and anti-oxidants in the fruit and veggies nourish your skin and hair. Having healthy skin and shiny hair is a definite recipe for a more youthful look.

Experts recommend that in order to have youthful healthy looking skin you should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day, although of course this depends on your size and existing levels of hydration. Water cleanses your body of toxins and hydrates your skin, and hydrated skin always looks much younger. Drinking a cup of hot water with a slice of lemon is a great way to help purify your body since it cleanses your kidneys and liver, which are the centres of the body where toxins accumulate the most. These toxins can actually cause blemishes and other skin problems.

Go botanical

To look your best and prevent premature aging of your skin, you should turn to skin care products based on natural ingredients as much as possible. It’s vital that you use a good natural cleanser on your face each day to unclog pores and keep your skin from looking dry and dull. Don’t forget to moisturize after washing and this includes your entire body, not just your face.

Your hands take a beating in the course of daily life. Use gentle, natural aromatherapy soap on your hands and always follow up with a rich moisturising lotion or cream to have soft, younger looking hands. Night-time treatments are especially beneficial if your hands are looking dry and overworked. Massage a little jojoba oil into your skin before applying your hand cream every night and you will be sure to see a major improvement within a few weeks. Keep this up, and you will have great looking hands for the rest of your life.

Exercise for a longer life

Exercise increases bone density and muscle tone, so make sure you get regular exercise, including a routine like pilates or yoga to increase joint mobility and tighten sagging muscles. A fit, trim body always looks so much younger. Not only will you be healthier and more energized on the outside, you’ll feel much younger in the inside too. And if that is not enough to convince you, be aware that statistics show that you are likely to live longer as well.

To maximize your overall health benefits, experts typically recommend that you perform 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity three or more times a week and some type of muscle strengthening activity and stretching at least twice a week. However, you can also achieve significant health benefits by completing 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, at least five times a week.

Cut it out

Your lifestyle choices can have a massive impact on whether you look ten years younger or ten years older than your real age. Smoking and drinking alcohol both negatively affect the aging process by blocking the absorption of necessary nutrients, and over time cause damage to the major organs of the body.

So if you really want to stay looking young for longer, make the decision right now and quit smoking, cut down on the alcohol, and you’ll soon begin to look and feel younger. You’ll probably live longer too!

Copyright © Quinessence Aromatherapy Ltd 2022. Written by

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