
Fruit Compound Fights Aging, Cancer, And Diabetes

You know what they say about an apple a day, right? Well, emerging research about a compound found in apple peels might now help explain why that Red Delicious may indeed help keep you out of the doctor’s office.

Grapefruit Molecule May Lower Cholesterol & Treat Diabetes

Israeli scientists may have discovered an effective new way to treat high cholesterol and diabetes naturally. Dr. Yaakov Nahmias from the Benin School of Engineering and Computer Science at Hebrew University and his colleagues have discovered that naringenin, a molecule in grapefruits that gives the fruit its bitter taste, can help to treat arteriosclerosis, hyper-metabolism, […]

Innovations In Women’s Health Shine Brightly This May

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of women’s health conditions have come a long way, baby. In honor of Women’s Health Awareness Month and National Women’s Health Week (May 8-14), the popular health and wellness website EverydayHealth.com, is working with the HHS Office on Women’s Health and da Vinci Surgery to present “Women’s Works: Tools for a […]
