Simple Tips For Better Daily Skin Care

Daily skin care tip to keep a great complexionBillions of pounds are spent each year on skin products that promise to erase wrinkles, lighten age spots, and eliminate sensitive, flaking, or irritated skin.

But the simplest and cheapest way to keep your skin healthy and youthful looking is to simply maintain a regular skin care regime that includes easy, time-tested tips that work. There’s no need to spend mega-bucks to have great skin.

In fact, it is still unknown what the long-term effects will be on facial skin by using expensive chemical peels and all the other synthetic chemicals used in modern skin care products. Until you’ve been exposed to these ‘miracle’ ingredients for half a lifetime, nobody can be certain what their skin will look like. That’s why Quinessence prefers to use traditional botanical ingredients that have been used for thousands of years and are known to be perfectly safe when used on skin. Plus, they deliver great results.

There is more to having a great complexion than simply applying skin care products anyway, since beauty really does come from within. It (almost) goes without saying that unhealthy lifestyle choices, poor nutrition and stress all contribute to the overall health of the skin, and a woman’s skin is often a good indication of what’s going on inside her body.

So providing you’re eating healthily and getting regular exercise and adequate rest, the condition of your skin can be visibly improved by following the guidelines below. Make these a habit for life, and you will blessed with a healthy glowing complexion through until you reach your golden years.

Cleanse thoroughly

All makeup should be removed before going bed each evening. There are a countless number of products for cleansing your skin, with different formulas allegedly for each skin type. Just be sure you choose a gentle cleanser containing natural botanical cleansing agents rather than one with harsh chemicals. Quinessence Spearmint & Geranium Cleanser enriched with skin-soothing aloe vera and calendula is perfect for this job, especially if you suffer from sensitive skin.

Apply cleanser to your fingertips or a soft cloth and gently move in small circles over your face, working from your nose to your hairline. Don’t forget to apply cleanser to your neck, using soft swipes upward towards the jaw line. Be careful not to pull or stretch the skin when cleansing.

Don’t forget to tone

Toning restores the skin’s natural pH and provides a protective acid mantle that makes the skin stronger. It helps remove any cleanser residue and reduces the size of pores. Depending on your skin type, toners will range from gentle acidic formulations to highly antiseptic formulas.

Soak a cosmetic pad liberally with your toner and gently wipe your face from your nose outward and over the forehead, not forgetting your neck. You should avoid the delicate skin around your eyes unless using a very gentle toning formula that contains absolutely no alcohol or peroxide and only then to remove oil and dirt from the eyebrows. Quinessence Rose Otto Hydrosol is the perfect toner because is entirely natural, contains no chemicals, and will hydrate and maintain the natural pH balance of the skin.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

As women get older, their natural sebum production slows down. Skin needs inner and outer hydration to maintain its strength, flexibility and integrity. Moisturizers also reduce the risk of mechanical damage to the skin by reducing the chance the skin will be stretched or torn by contact.

A good moisturising lotion will contain nourishing and protective botanicals as well as essential hydration. Ideally it would include essential oils too, since the correct oils can revitalise as well as protect your skin for the harsh elements. Apply moisturizer lightly to face in outward motions, and work for the neck in upward motions being careful not to pull or stretch your skin. And of course if you are going out into the sun always use a sunscreen.

Exfoliate and renew

As your skin grows and repairs itself, the outer layer of dead cells slough off. So to expedite this process and reveal the fresher, newer cells underneath, it’s recommended that you exfoliate your skin at least once a week. I prefer mechanical skin exfoliators rather than the chemical peel ones, since they are much kinder to the skin.

I recommend exfoliating in the evening, and then finish off with your night cream. Following the cleansing stage, warm up a small amount of exfoliator on the fingertips and apply to the face and neck using light circular movements. Make sure you avoid the delicate eye area. Rinse off with warm water and either follow with a mask or finish off with your chosen toner and moisturiser.

Masks for deep-cleansing

Facial masks serve several purposes, the most important one being the deep cleansing of pores. Masks are also made for super-hydration, the increase of circulation and for sheer enjoyment. Generally, it is a good idea to use a deep cleansing clay-based mask at least once a week. Before going to be is a good time since it can be followed up with an overnight moisturising treatment.

Various cosmetic clays are used in these masks because they ‘pull’ and absorb impurities, dirt and dried sebum out of your pores, allowing sebum to flow naturally and smoothly, brightening the appearance of the skin, helping to prevent acne infections, and improving the texture of your skin. Several types of clay masks are available for every skin moisture type.

Apply the mask gently and allow it to dry. Most clay masks will require 10-15 minutes to absorb all the impurities and wastes from your pores. Rinse the mask off gently with fingertips be sure to tone and moisturize your skin.

Rejuvenating night treatment

Overnight skin care treatments can be highly beneficial because your skin is replenished and renewed while you are sleeping. So be sure to help it along by using a night cream that is rich in natural cell-renewing ingredients such as vitamin E and aloe vera, along with revitalising essential oils. Quinessence Hydrating Night Cream contains a rich harvest of botanicals, plus skin-enhancing sandalwood essential oils to rejuvenate and improve elasticity, leaving your skin soft and supple.

Apply your cream in gentle upward and outward movements to the face and neck. Don’t let the cream get too close to the eye are, and also don’t forget include your neck, since this area really can reveal your age if you don’t look after it.

It is never too late to start using these simple skin care tips, and the sooner you start, so faster you will start to see positive results. Make it into a habit, and you will reap the results.

Copyright © Quinessence Aromatherapy Ltd 2022. Written by

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