About Aromatherapy

10 Easy Ways To Use Essential Oils Around Your Home

Usually when you want to create a soothing, relaxing atmosphere in the house, lighting up a burner or plugging in a vaporizer is the preferred option. But it is not always possible to use a burner in some locations, so . . .

How To Choose Carrier Oils

Choosing which carrier oils to use in aromatherapy is not difficult when you know how. Discover the secrets to choosing which one is right for you . . .

Aromatherapy And The Sense Of Smell

The sense of smell is the most basic and primitive of all our senses, and is of vital importance to humans since it helps with the survival of our species . . .

Using Infused Oils In Aromatherapy

Infused oils were the original aromatherapy oils of the ancients, and they remain the oldest, safest, and most effective natural medicines available today. Discover how to use them . . .

How To Store Essential Oils

Storing your essential oils properly protects their healing properties and actually extends their life too. It’s easy, and saves you money in the long run . . .

Hydrosols – What They Are And How To Use Them

Hydrosols are safe, ‘ready to use’ aromatherapy products that can be used to care for the skin and revive and refresh flagging energy levels . . .

Boost Your Immune System With Essential Oils

Every second of every day, your body’s immune system is working tirelessly to protect you from invading bacteria, viruses and other disease causing organisms.

The Power Of Aroma Can Beat Stress

Aromas have a powerful effect on our mind and body, and certain ones can be use to manage stress effectively. Here are some oils and methods to help beat stress . . .

Hydrosol, Hydrolat, Floral Water – What’s The Difference?

Hydrosol, hydrolat, floral water – most people are familiar with these terms in aromatherapy, but do they all mean exactly the same thing?


Effect Of The Limbic System In Aromatherapy

Did you know that essential oils can influence a fascinating part of the brain known as the Limbic System? This area controls all aspects of your emotions, memories, and even your very survival . . .
