March, 2023

5 Essential Oils To Energise Your Mind & Body

Winter’s behind us now, but you may have been left worn-out by the experience! Here are 5 essential oils to re-energise you in preparation of summer . . .

The Beauty Of British Spring Flowers

As spring arrives, the countryside of the United Kingdom awakens from its sleep and becomes alive with the color of common spring flowers, many of which have a long history . . .


Aromatherapy Tips To Help Spring-Clean Your Health

Spring-clean your health as well as your house with aromatherapy to help you the make changes to put you on the path to better health

4 Tips For Upgrading Your Health And Wellness Routine

Check out these top tips for upgrading your health and wellness routines from a board-certified primary care physician

Aromatherapy – The Ultimate Mother’s Day Gift

Aromatherapy products are the ultimate Mother’s Day gift your mum will never forget, easily outlasting chocolates and flowers! Here’s why . . .

The Importance Of Antioxidants In Your Diet

Antioxidants are the natural components found in certain foods that help neutralise the damaging free radicals in our bodies. Discover how to ensure you get sufficient antioxidants foods in your diet . . .

Essential Oils To Repair And Revive Your Winter-Damaged Hair

At the end of winter you often end up with dry, frizzy hair and lots split ends. Discover how to fix your winter damaged hair effectively with essential oils
