September, 2022

Why Stress Causes Memory Loss

Have you ever returned home after a particularly stressful day only to realise that you have completely forgotten about a really important errand, event or task at work? Well, after recent investigation by researchers its seems at last there is a scientific explanation for this temporary absent-mindedness. Stress makes you forgetful! Of course, anybody going […]

Enjoy Good Health With These 3 Simple Tips

We spend so much time rushing around for others that we often neglect our own health. Here are 3 simple tips to help you rebalance your life . . .

Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil

Cinnamon is an ancient aromatic medicine that has been used for thousands of years. Discover its history, properties and the many uses of cinnamon leaf essential oil in aromatherapy . . .

5 Essential Oils for Stress Relief

Your boss wants that report on his desk, like, now. Your kid’s school just called and your child has a fever. That funny noise the car has been making for the past six weeks? You probably should have had it checked out because now the thing won’t start. Taxes are due, rent is going up […]

How To Do A DIY Aromatherapy Facial Massage

The story of your life is often seen on your face, so why not learn how to re-write history with a DIY aromatherapy facial massage! Here are tips to get started . . .
