Healthy Living

Managing Your Menstrual Cycle Naturally

A healthy menstrual cycle is important for pre-menopausal women for their comfort, wellbeing and peace of mind. However, many females experience problems with their cycle at some point in their lives. From irregular periods, to premenstrual syndrome, there is an array of things that can make the menstrual cycle a source of stress for women. […]

Don’t Let Procrastination Hold You Back

Procrastination can quietly rob you of precious hours, days, or even years of your life. Learn which essential oils help in the battle against the evil time bandit that can rob you of your life . . .

Foods That Improve Your Mood

Did you know there are feel-good foods that are exceptionally beneficial for your mind as well as your body? Discover which foods can put you in a better mood and help you enjoy life . . .

Ease Your Stress With A Neck Massage

Sometimes there is nothing that can ease your stress and calm you down quite as easily as a neck massage. The spine and the neck seems to be the area of the body where most of the stress and tension that you build up during the day decides to rest, so those are the areas […]

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Understanding Holistic Medicine

Holistic medicine is not a form of alternative treatment as many people think, it is more a philosophy that takes an integrated approach to leading your life in a balanced way . . .

3 Ways To Help Shape Up For Summer

Summer is coming – and swimsuit season will be here before you know it. Now’s the time to do a quick assessment and create a routine to get your body ready for sun and fun. By following three easy steps – reset, realign and repeat – you can commit to making changes to create a […]


Seasonal Allergies: 8 Tips That Offer Relief

Here are 8 tips to help you enjoy this years spring season instead of you having to sit it out indoors to avoid seasonal allergies

Men’s Health Month in June: A time to take action

Good health for men often depends on Wellness Awareness and early screenings.

Expert Tips For A Better Night’s Sleep

For many, sleep doesn’t come easy. Up to 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy and restless legs syndrome. Nights are spent staring at the walls as insomnia takes control, or frequently waking from snoring or gasping for air due to untreated obstructive sleep apnea. Fortunately, achieving the […]


Soothe Your Stress With Flowers!

Many people find that flowers bring a soothing and calming effect that can’t yet be explained fully scientifically. Over recent years though, medical studies have begun to agree with what has been written by many cultures throughout recorded history – flowers have the ability to affect our emotions. And if you are a devotee of […]
