Eucalyptus Smithii Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Smithii Essential Oil

Antiseptic and antifungal. Eucalyptus Smithii Essential Oil has a slightly more herbaceous-woody type eucalyptus aroma that is not as fiercely penetrating as other species of Eucalyptus when inhaled. This makes it safer with young children and the elderly, since like Eucalyptus Radiata it has a lower 1,8 cineole content than others, making it the preferred choice for many aromatherapists.

When used in diffusers or inhaled from a tissue, the soothing action of Eucalyptus Smithii Essential Oil helps to relieve chestiness by gently loosening phlegm. Use it in massage blends or a bath to ease general aches and pains, muscular fatigue, stiff joints, and to revive muscles after sports.

Eucalyptus Smithii Essential Oil is considered to be non-irritant and non-sensitising, however never use this oil with children under the age of 2 years. If a baby inhales the vapour of the undiluted oil it may cause spasm of the epiglottis as a reaction to the sudden cooling effect on the respiratory system.

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Botanical Name:
Eucalyptus smithii
Country of Origin:
South Africa
Extracted From:
Leaves and twigs
Extraction Method:
Steam distillation
Principal Constituents:
1,8 Cineole, a-Pinene, Limonene, p-Cymene