by Geoff Lyth

Using Infused Oils In Aromatherapy

Infused oils were the original aromatherapy oils of the ancients, and they remain the oldest, safest, and most effective natural medicines available today. Discover how to use them . . .

The Power Of Sound For Beating Stress

We know that aromatherapy and meditation can help ease stress, but science is now proving that sounds and music can also benefit this condition, especially when combined . . .

5 Popular Herbal Remedies

Here are five popular herbs that can be used in either their natural state, or as herbal nutrition supplements to care for you health

How To Store Essential Oils

Storing your essential oils properly protects their healing properties and actually extends their life too. It’s easy, and saves you money in the long run . . .

How To Bounce Back When Your Diet Fails

We all fall off the wagon at some point when dieting, but it doesn’t have to spell disaster. Here are some simple tips to help you get back on track to achieving your desired weight . . .

Vitamin A Can Keep You Looking Younger

Discover the benefit to your skin and overall health by making sure you get enough vitamin A in your regular diet

Essential Oils To Help Keep Your Spirits Up!

Use your essential oils to keep your spirits up during the pandemic! The end is in sight and your oils will help support you through to the finishing line . . .

Aromatherapy Tips For Winter Lockdown Living

As we enter the 3rd and probably longest Covid lockdown yet you’ll need all the help you can get to survive it! Fortunately, essential oils can help . . .

Essential Oils For A Happy & Stress Free Christmas

There’s no doubt – Xmas can be stressful! This year, you and the whole family can enjoy a a stress-free and happy Christmas – just by using your essential oils creatively . . .

7 Wonder Spices For A Healthier Life

If you are looking for alternative ways to improve your health and have already started to change your lifestyle, you might like to consider including more spices in your diet too. Most spices offer tremendous health benefits, and to enjoy them you’re not limited to eating them in red-hot spicy curries either! Spices come from […]
